initiative is possible due to funding from NOAA’s
National Sea Grant.
Special thanks to Brian
Leung of McGill University, Judy Pederson and MIT’s
Center for Coastal Resources, Corinne Sperling, Zach
Itzkowitz, Anna Solecki.
Web Design: Carole
Verdone-Smith, Christiaan Adams, and the SGNIS
All the great people who
made the pilot project a success: over 1000 people
helped to monitor 62 sites in 7 states! I could not have
done this without all of you! Sorry for those not named,
there was just over 1000 people who participated. Please
accept my apologies and know that I am so thankful and
you also deserve credit, we are nothing without you.
Captain David
Weinstein’s Harbor Connection and his
coordination to bring Boston public school children to
the ocean for hands-on science, the way it is supposed
to be done, determined teachers who provide the best
educational program I have ever seen: Tana
Glennon-Annoub and her amazing class of the
Harbor School (you were the first CSI
detectives, you went through the rain to do it and
really set the tone for CSI MISMO, thanks!), Mimi Fong,
Donna Cataldo and her 5th grade class from Josiah Quincy
Elementary School, John Clancey and Steve Ayer's class
from the John Winthrop Elementary School, Carl Johnson
and Kevin Robin from Odyssey High School, Andy
Hayes Crystal Hill from Mary E. Curley Middle School,
Carla Veiga and Bob Ettinger's great classes from
William McCormack Middle School, Chris Burdman from
Mildred Ave. Middle School, and Jennifer Felicetti
from Boston Public. The New
England Harbor Discoveries Camps [www.neaq.org]. and
their amazing staff: Joel Rubin, Sukey Padawer, Dara
Wald, Jon Anderson, Jayshree Oberoi. Maria Elena
Derrien, Heather Deschenes, Jo Blasi, Dave Wedge, Matt
Tweedie, and Dana Crosby. Joel, I could not have done
this without you and your great teachers, thank
you! | |
Thanks to
Java Jo’s Coffee House (www.javajo.net
& http://www.mikedelaney.org/JavaJo.html),
it was by far the best restaurant out of all the
ones we tried during our 7 state road trip. Also
their great open mike concerts are a must see, it
happens every Thursday and Friday night in Jamaica
Plain and East Milton MA, respectively! Julie
P. Ainsworth and Maryellen’s Environmental Club of
Mystic Aquarium Institute for
Exploration: (http://www.mysticaquarium.org/).
Ailene Rogers, Jacky Farrell, Stacy L. Myers, Mary
Morgan, Amity Bentliff Libby Koch, David Bender,
Melissa Griffiths, Katie Granberg, Matt Stefani
and all the great staff of Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County
Brian Conroy and Deborah Munson of
TERC (www.terc.edu),
National Parks Service especially
Boston Harbor Islands’ Bruce Jacobs, Kelly Felner,
Mary Raczko, Daniel Knapp of World Turtle
Productions. Armen Varadian and his great skills
in filming footage for a possible movie. Linda
Schier and her whole amazing family. Larry Childs
and Chris Simons of Outwardbound Thompson
Island. Carl Johnson. Jim McKenna of
SERC, David Manski of
Acadia National Parks. Linda
Schier, Joyce Voorhis and the whole Dept.
of Science at Brockton High School.
Patricia Sullivan-Lynch's Sea
Wonders: Marine Science Education
Consultant/Owner. Sea Wonders: 125 Oscaleta Road,
South Salem, NY 10590, (914)-763-5986. Barbara
Warren & Rob Gough of Salem Sound
Coastwatch (www.SalemSound.org).
Sue Tuxbury, Diane Little, and Moe Darci, and
everyone at Save the Bay (www.savebay.org
), George Kramer, Mary Grady from Rhode
Island College (http://www.naturalnews.net),
Lisa Cody, Helen Dole, Sara P. Grady and the
North South Estuary Program (http://www.massbays.org),
Dedham, MA. Sue Richman from South
Portland High School, Maine. Dora Borlaz
and her great science club (sorry about the wait,
I always get lost in NY, silly bridges), Terri
Hallesy, Terry Regan Robin Goettel, New
York Biology Teacher Assoc., Polly Wilson
from Portland High School, Ross Henderson's
Science Class of Noble & Greenough of
Dedham, MA, Linda Hurt, Barbara Carvalho
and her amazing class of second graders from
Kingston Elementary School, Sara
Sweetman, Beth Daley & Carolyn Johnson and the
Globe (Marine water invaders on Most
Wanted list) Peter Lord who every week in the
Providence Journal (www.projo.com)
brings great stories of environmental science and
activities , Amy Mack of the Providence Journal,
Phil Capaldi's great 4th grade class from the
Melrose School of Jamestown, RI,
and Mora Capaldi for the great hospitality and
amazing cooking. Abe & Robert Checkoway,
Mr. and Mrs. Fish and their great educational
activities and way of life. Please attend one of
their educational presentations: http://www.mrandmrsfish.com/.
Dave Grant from the great Oceanographic
Institute of Sandy Hook, Susan Haverstick
& Dan Hinnencamp's Science club from
Natick, MA. Rich Squillante and Michelle
Woods-Robinson classes of Perry School of
South Boston, New York Biology
Teacher Association (NYBTA) Jodie York
and her great camp staff of Mystic
Aquarium Institute for Exploration, Kenny
Bacow, Laura Bavaro and Dr. Robert Nuzzi Estuary
program of Peconic for water quality data. Kathy
Fisher and her 7th grade class from RI, Susan
Hayhurst and Sarah Kirn of Vital Signs and
GOMMEA (www.gma.org/vital_signs)
Robert Rocha New Bedford ECHO
Project, based at the New Bedford
Whaling Museum, Connie Bebis and her
class from the Apponequet High
School. Chris Pires and his students from
New Bedford Voc-Tech, Dr. David
Welty and students from Fairhaven High
School. Carol Steingart, Shannon
Smith, Elizabeth Stephenson, Esperanza
Stancioff and Tracy Hart of Maine Sea
Grant Extension, David Guay, Anne
Henshaw, Rose Teng, Marney Pratt and
everyone who took part in Bowdoin’s
Coastal Science Institute teacher
training course for the study of marine invasive
species! In particular, Renee Foreman! Jeff
Wilford of York Middle School in
Maine, Zaffin Family, Kathy Fisher of
Providence RI, Sam Wilson, Andrea Bistany,
Robin Lacey, Bill Jacobs of TNC,
Andrea Locke, Nadia Caines and Mike Delaney of
On that note, lastly
and most important, thanks to my family and
friends, especially my father, who inspired me to
study science and has been there to help me
achieve my goals and dreams. I have had so much
support from everyone and I can never thank you
enough and I said it before but I could not have
done this without all of you. Only together can we
make a difference with such a large problem such
as marine invaders. If we continue to work
together, we can make this a national and
continental network, we will bring NEON to the
marine world, sooner than you thought would be
possible. So much respect to everyone who has
helped in any or all
Photo Acknowledgements
A special thanks to
these groups for the great pictures. Please see
their sites! They are not only interesting but
I want to give a
special thanks to USGS Florida Integrated Science
Center – Gainesville and MIT Sea Grant for many
great pictures that frequent my webpage.
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Funded and Collaborating
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